广告,营销传播和公共管理(Advertising, Marketing Communications and Public Relations) 广告市场传媒与公共关系(Advertising, Marketing Communications and Public Relations - BA (Hons) ) 建筑(Architecture) 数字传媒(Digital Media) 数字媒体(Digital Media - BA (Hons) ) 建筑和室内设计(Architecture and Interior Design Extended Degree (with Foundation Year) - BA (Hons) ) 建筑(Architecture - BA (Hons) ) 艺术与设计(Art and Design Extended Degree (with Foundation Year) - BA (Hons) ) 出版设计(Design for Publishing - BA (Hons) ) 设计工作室(Design Studio Practice - BA (Hons) ) 时尚配饰和珠宝(Fashion Accessories and Jewellery - BA (Hons) ) 时尚营销和商业管理(Fashion Marketing and Business Management - BA (Hons)) 时尚摄影(Fashion Photography - BA (Hons)) 时尚(Fashion - BA (Hons)) 电影和广播制作(Film and Broadcast Production - BA (Hons)) 电影和电视研究(Film and Television Studies - BA (Hons)) 美术(Fine Art - BA (Hons)) 游戏建模、动画和效果(Games Modelling, Animation and Effects - BSc (Hons)) 图形设计(Graphic Design - BA (Hons)) 插图和动画(Illustration and Animation - BA (Hons) ) 室内建筑和设计(Interior Architecture and Design - BA (Hons) ) 室内设计和装饰(Interior Design and Decoration - BA (Hons)) 室内设计(Interior Design - BA (Hons) ) 新闻、电影和电视研究(Journalism, Film and Television Studies - BA (Hons)) 媒体和通信(Media and Communications - BSc (Hons)) 媒体和营销(Media and Marketing - BA (Hons)) 媒体和公共关系(Media and Public Relations - BA (Hons)) 媒体、通讯和新闻(Media, Communications and Journalism - BSc (Hons)) 音乐产业和现场娱乐(Music Business and Live Entertainment - BA (Hons) ) 音乐技术和生产(Music Technology and Production - BSc (Hons) ) 绘画(Painting - BA (Hons) ) 摄影( Photography - BA (Hons)) 纺织品设计(Textile Design - BA (Hons)) 戏剧及电影制作设计(Theatre and Film Production Design - BA (Hons))
建筑(Architecture - MA) 创意,数字和专业写作(Creative, Digital and Professional Writing - MA) 数字媒体(Digital Media - MA )
A-Level:BCC 雅思:6.0